Thursday 28 November 2013

Crocodile Tears- Keyframing

This is the first shot I've been asked to create in Flash, doing only the key frames in the sequence.
I've had to incorporate everything I've learnt from first year such as anticipation and overlap to map out the basic movement of the character, in this case, a surprised expression.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Crocodile Tears

Practicing drawing the characters for a third year's film, Crocodile Tears. I'm down as the editor for the animation and hopefully one of the character animator's.

Link to film blog:




Wednesday 13 November 2013

Advanced Spin and Sky Replacement

Using After Effects to create an interesting spinning light source and replacing a blown out sky.

Footage for the sky replacement from
Light source created from scratch myself.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Dragon's win- Riding to the beat.

Edited together footage of my sister riding to the beat of the music.

Advanced Time Freeze and Day to Night conversion

Learning to composite shattered glass into footage using 3DS Max and After Effects and turning a day scene into a night scene.

The first part of the video is the advanced time freeze where I created all the motion trackers in After effects then transferred the footage into 3DS Max to create the glass. It was then transferred back into After Effects to composite the glass over the top of the footage.

The second half of the video is a day to night conversion where I reduced the saturation slightly and altered the hue before manually animating the headlights and the light on the floor.

Raw footage from

Below is the shattered glass I rendered out of 3DS Max before it was added to the live footage.
I created this glass from scratch by creating four individual shapes, duplicating them and randomising their spread and position before adding a multi/sub material which contained a bitmap plus refraction and bump maps to create the transparent illusion. I then parented the glass to the camera so when it was exported back into After Effects it was just a case of dropping the glass into the composite and rendering it straight out.



Thursday 7 November 2013

Time Freeze

Combining two clips together where one clip freezes in time whilst the other clip plays.
This tutorial was quite easy to understand as all it required was masking out the character that falls and freezes in time and dragging out the key frames for however long I wanted the freeze to last.
Unfortunately the interaction between both clips can be seen as the mask which cuts round the static character clips off the edges of his arm. As this is only a practise, I'm not too worried but if I was to carry out this task properly there would be a green screen involved so masking out the static character would give a sharper, more clear cut look to give the feeling he was in the same time frame as the moving character. Source footage from

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Gunfire on different surfaces and light streaks

After Effects practising using particles as bullets interacting with three different surfaces: ground rubble, the wall and water.
Then again using particles connected to a light source and randomising the motion to create light streaks in 3D space with the camera tracking in and orbiting around it.

Source footage for the gunfire video from

Sunday 3 November 2013

Earth Zoom and Quick healing

More After Effects practising creating a zoom out from ground level to the Earth in space and creating a super-human heal on the skin. Source footage courtesy of

15 in 5 final render

This is the final render of one of our group's 15 second animation comedic shorts. Animation was created in Toon Boom and compiled together in Sony Vegas with voices and sound fx added (sound fx courtesy of

This animation was entirely created by me as an added extra onto this project for me to gain more experience in Toon Boom and it was also an idea I didn't want to drop after the animatic.

Animated short inspired by all the wonderfully annoying kids out there!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Set Extension

A bit more complicated than the previous After Effects projects I've done as it involved stabilising the motion of the camera and tracking the motion of static objects as the camera panned around the scene. I had to use two tracking points (one panning, one rotation) for the first half of the shot and use another two tracking points for the second half. This was so I could drop additional objects over the top without them moving with the camera, this included the buildings and replacement sky.

Originally my first render didn't work as the sky was moving slightly with the camera motion. I then learnt I needed to place the tracking points on a distinguishable section of the shot (i.e. a leaf, a dark stone) so the tracker stayed with that object.

Below is the improved render and breakdown of how I got to the finished shot.

Source media from