Thursday 22 May 2014

Crocodile Tears

I can't post the full video on here as it's going around the festival circuit but I can put up the showreel of all the shots I did on the film.


A final film is here! Re-graded about 40 shots in total to make the atmosphere feel warmer although it looks significantly similar to the footage it started out as. The problem being the director of the film toned the colours down a bit in the edit and I think it's taken away any warmth I put in there. I've included some comparison shots of what I sent back to him and what was in the final cut.

The first image is the final edit, the second my final re-grade. The colours look completely washed out similar to the original footage whereas the second has infinitely more clarity with the natural greens of the background coming through.

Deep Final

Below are my final render of the man turning into the mouse, the final edit of the section our group worked on and the final render of the cat in the correct background. Not all of the footage is present as it still lacks the live action character pointing her gun out into the crowd but from what has been done so far it looks promising.

Below are also layout stills I did in preparation for additional characters to be added to the scene.


Monday 5 May 2014

Deep Update

Started adding shadows and highlights to the man that turns into a mouse. Haven't completely decided what colour the pig character should be yet so only her skin has been coloured so far.

And then I've placed the cat character in the correct background in correspondence to what would be happening in the shot (live action girl steps off stage with gun pointed out into audience). She is yet to have shadows and highlights added to her but unfortunately moving her from her previous background onto her correct one was harder than expected. Originally she was sat at a table where you couldn't see the top (i.e. couldn't see her elbows so I hadn't drawn them in) then on moving her across to the other background I realised the table she is now sat at, the top is visible so of course so are her elbows. I had to therefore go back into the animation and draw in her elbows, lesson learned for next time.......put her on the right background to begin with!!